Dark have been my
dreams of late. ~ King
Theoden, Lord of the Rings – Two Towers
True darkness. Absence of physical light can be frightening and
many times is, but it can and has been overcome. Absence of
spiritual light, however, is the true nightmares of every human
alive. The feeling of despair, lost hope, has brought many a person
to their knees and even to their deaths. It is the horrifying edge
that many walk every day. Your family, friends, co-workers,
neighbors, might be walking the tightrope across a yawning black pit
surrounding them and you may or may not even know it. And if you do,
you don't know how to help them. And they don't know how to tell you
write this because I, myself, have had dark dreams of late. To be
more precise, I have had dark days. Days where my husband has had to
watch, helplessly, as darkness consumed my mind. Watch as his
free-spirited wife who loves life and sunshine get swallowed up into
a shadow of nothingness. Encouraging words were lost in the smog of
depression. Then just as soon as it comes, the clouds blow away.
The darkness lifts and I am able to think and see again. Each time
an episode happens it feels like my mind is static and all I can see
or hear is darkness. The most painful thing is, I can feel it
coming. The most shameful thing is when I lose the fight and get
sucked into the madness. Because when the clouds lift, I can't
remember exactly why they were there in the first place but do know
that I was not myself.
word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path ~ Psalms
119:105 (AMP)
I have started listening to podcasts from my church pastors and got a
bible app on my phone and Nook. And while words of light are spoken
in my ears and read by my eyes, the voices in my mind scream and
sneer. But faith comes by hearing (and seeing) and hearing by the
word of God which is Jesus Christ. (Romans 10:17) Faith is
strengthened when truth is spoken. Jesus is Truth. Truth can come
from a friend, song, message, program, a devotional, any where Jesus
sees fit. And where one avenue may get cut off, He will open another
path. Jesus doesn't give up on you, even if you give up on yourself.
Plain. Simple. Period. So take hold of that promise and store it
in your heart. When the whispers of dread and doom start to tickle
your ears, pull it out and shine it. They will still come at you,
but their time will be shortened, because the darkness will always
lose to the light. And Jesus is the Light.
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